- Alex Epstein - Fossil Future
- Michael Shellenberger - Apocalypse Never
- Steeve Koonin - Unsettled
- Patrick Moore - Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom
- James Delingpole - Watermelons
- Robert Bryce - Power Hungry
- Bjorn Lomborg - False Alarm
- Ross Clark - Not Zero
- Meredith Angwin - Shorting The Grid
- Rupert Darwall - Green Tyranny
- Steve Goreham - Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure
- Regenerative Agriculture Reading List
- Graham Harvey - Grass-Fed Nation: Getting Back the Food We Deserve
- Graham Harvey - The Killing Of The Countryside
- Gregory Wrightstone - Inconvenient Facts - https://inconvenientfacts.xyz/
- Brian Gitt - In The Dark - https://www.altamira.studio/itd/
Youtube Channels
- Paul Burgess - Climate Realism - https://www.youtube.com/@ClimateRealism
- Ben Pile - Climate Resistance - https://www.youtube.com/@ClimateResistance
- Ben Pile and more - Climate Debate - https://www.youtube.com/@climatedebate
- Alex Epstein - Improve The Planet - https://www.youtube.com/@ImproveThePlanet
- Robert Bryce - https://www.youtube.com/@RobertBryce
- Tom Nelson - https://www.youtube.com/@tomnelson2080
- Chris Keefer - Decople Media - https://www.youtube.com/@decouplemedia107
- Tony Heller - https://www.youtube.com/@TonyHeller
- Ben Pile - https://benpile.substack.com/feed
- David Turver - https://davidturver.substack.com/
- Alex Epstein - https://alexepstein.substack.com/
- Robert Vryce - https://robertbryce.substack.com/
- Tom Nelson - https://tomn.substack.com/
Blogs / Websites
- Regenertarianism - https://lachefnet.wordpress.com/
- Godfrey Bloom - https://godfreybloom.uk/climate/
- Daily Sceptic - https://dailysceptic.org/category/climate-change/
- Judith Curry - https://judithcurry.com/
- Climate Resistence - https://www.climate-resistance.org/
- Energy Talking Points - https://energytalkingpoints.com/
- Net Zero Watch - https://www.netzerowatch.com/
- Climate Debate - https://climatedebate.co.uk/
- Car26 - https://car26.org/
- Notes for Climate skeptics - https://tomn.substack.com/p/notes-for-climate-skeptics
- Global Warming Policy Foundation - https://www.thegwpf.org/
- Whats Up With That - https://wattsupwiththat.com/
- Climatism - https://climatism.wordpress.com/
- Junk Science - https://junkscience.com/
- Real Climate Science - https://realclimatescience.com/
- CO2 Coalition - https://co2coalition.org/